ACT is Fort Collins’ film festival. Based out of Colorado State University, ACT Human Rights Film Festival screens artistically excellent films from around the world and fosters conversations about social justice and human rights.
ACT’s mission is to (A)waken audiences to issues happening around the world, (C)onnect them to our film guests and each other in thoughtful conversations, and (T)ransform the ways in which audiences engage with people, communities, cultures, and ideas.
ACT’s inaugural Fort Collins film festival was in April 2016, and the program has continued to evolve and grow. ACT Human Rights Film Festival is a program of Colorado State University’s Department of Communication Studies. Click here to learn more about ACT’s founding.
Festival: ACT hosts an annual film festival in Fort Collins, Colorado each April. Throughout the week-long festival, ACT screens artistically excellent films that explore human rights and social justice themes. The festival brings filmmakers from throughout the world to Fort Collins to engage in dialogue, Q&As, and panel discussions. The festival strives to broaden local/global awareness, create community connections, and to encourage civic engagement. Click here for the 2019 film line-up and here for previous years.
ACT Year-Round: Launched in early 2019, ACT Year-Round brings must-see films to northern Colorado throughout the year. ACT Year-Round’s goals are to connect audiences with social justice films all year and to help remove barriers for participation. Click here to see ACT Year-Round’s schedule.
Call to ACT: This program creates pathways for local and regional nonprofit and other organizations working on human rights and social justice issues to connect with ACT’s audiences. ACT’s films are paired with relevant Fort Collins and northern Colorado activists and organizations and audiences are encouraged to get involved. Click here to learn more about our Call to ACT partners.
Leadership and Contact Information:
ACT Human Rights Film Festival is a program of Colorado State University’s Department of Communication Studies in the College of Liberal Arts. Click here for more information about the program’s leadership and staff and click here to connect with us.