Fiscal Year 2024 Overview
ACT Human Rights Film Festival’s fiscal year ended on June 30. Founded in 2016, ACT has continuously presented new, artistically excellent human rights films in Fort Collins over the past nine years. Gathering community to share the power of cinematic storytelling alongside the filmmakers and film participants is a powerful experience. ACT is grateful for the many supporters who help make this possible.
At a time when artists and cultural workers are facing threats, harassment, persecution, and physical violence in unprecedented numbers, ACT’s focus to uplift these stories remains as critical as ever. This is especially true as we head into a highly polarized election season in the U.S. and ongoing wars throughout SWANA, Europe, and Africa. We remain dedicated to building a forum to listen to those whose voices are rarely heard and to creating space for conversations that enlighten and activate our community.
Audiences are returning to theatres and to our festival, but the detrimental, ongoing effects of the pandemic continue to threaten ACT’s long term viability. Like many arts organizations, ACT faced a budget deficit in FY24 with rising costs and revenue that did not keep pace. This is not sustainable, and ACT will work to balance budget with impactful programming while seeking additional underwriting and support.
New in FY24:
- In partnership with Poudre School District’s DEI office, ACT screened short films for select high schoolers and brought filmmaker Curtis Chin to speak about his career in filmmaking, screenwriting, and writing his memoir.
- ACT increased emphasis on accessibility. All events were ticketed as either pay-what-you-can ($0+) or free for all to remove financial barriers. As many films as possible were screened in option captions. ACT continued to offer virtual encore screenings to meet geographic, travel, and non-traditional work schedule needs.
Good news:
- Attendance FY24: 2,584 up from FY23: 2,124
- Number of films screened in 27; up from 26 in FY23
- 20 filmmakers or film participants joined for Q&As (18 in-person and two live on Zoom).
- Ticket and pass sales increased significantly. In fact, more festival passes were purchased than in any previous year.
- Sponsorships, grants, and donations increased over FY23.
- 57 volunteers donated more than 1,000 hours of their time to ACT’s success
What ACT’s audience says:
“This film festival, and the voices that rise from it, cultivates awareness and connection, and inspires individuals and communities to reflect and build bridges to create and support positive change and social justice for all.”
“[ACT] is something I’ve known about for years and never made the time for. I’m so glad we did, and we will go every year from now on! It’s fabulous.”
“[ACT] was the best most eye opening experience of my life and I would recommend it to anyone.”
“[ACT] will blow your heart and mind wide open.”