“Inclusion early on almost guarantees inclusion later on. But segregation early on almost guarantees segregation in the rest of life.” -Sara Jo Soldovieri
ACT Human Rights Film and The Lyric have resumed collaboratively screening must-see films throughout the year starting on Thursday, September 23, 2021. Join us in-person or at-home for an exclusive screening of the film Forget Me Not followed by a conversation about disability rights, inclusion, and integrated education. Watch the trailer.
Forget Me Not highlights personal and inspiring stories that expose injustices against children with disabilities, a reality for more than 93 million children worldwide and nearly half of them are not in school. The film reveals a path to a more inclusive society that starts by having diversity in the classroom.
Forget Me Not, Olivier Bernier, United States, 2021, 102 minutes, English.
September 23, 2021 at 6:00 PM| In-person at The Lyric $10 general admission & $8 students/seniors | At-Home (virtual screening) $10
Please read The Lyric’s COVID-19 policies.
Tickets are not interchangeable between in-person and virtual.
A panel discussion will follow the in-person film at approximately 7:45 PM MST on 9/23/21. The panel will be livestreamed to ACT Human Rights Film Festival’s YouTube channel.
Lori Couch, Northern Colorado Down Syndrome Association & Parent
Dr. Deborah Fidler, Colorado State University
Tena Green, Love & Inclusion in the Real World Podcast & Parent
Moderator: Dr. Karrin Vasby Anderson, Colorado State University