Si Pudiera Quedarme / If I Could Stay
Si Pudiera Quedarme / If I Could Stay is an intimate portrait of two undocumented Latinx mothers who go to dramatic lengths to fend off deportation and separation from their families in the United States. The film follows five years in the lives of Jeanette Vizguerra and Ingrid Encalada Latorre, both of whom have chosen to enter sanctuary at local churches, rather than report to ICE to be deported. Once they enter sanctuary, they physically do not leave the church grounds until they attain legal status, a process that can take years. ICE is currently practicing a ‘sensitive locations’ policy, which dictates not to enforce deportations in houses of worship and creates a temporary refuge for immigrants facing deportation.
In the film, we see these two mothers organizing and activating the mainly white faith communities who are grappling with the idea of how to put their power, privilege, and faith into action to support their undocumented sanctuary guests. The film explores friendships and relationships that develop between Jeanette, Ingrid, and their white allied hosts, while focusing on the learning and unlearning necessary to be an effective ally towards undocumented communities. As part of their efforts to gain legal status, Jeanette and Ingrid create multiple campaigns to surmount their legal challenges. They engage their allied church communities as they work to have their voices heard, and shift the paradigm of power to place agency and leadership in the hands of undocumented women of color. With an observational lens, we see the Latinx mothers claiming their power, fighting for respect, and teaching allied communities myriad lessons. Jeanette emphasizes “Providing Sanctuary is not doing us a favor. This is an act of social justice.”
Si Pudiera Quedarme cuenta la historia inspiradora de dos madres latinas indocumentadas, Jeanette e Ingrid, que ingresan valientemente a sus iglesias locales para evadir la deportación y proteger a sus familias. Durante cinco años, deben enfrentar la amenaza constante de redadas del Servicio de Inmigración mientras luchan por su estatus legal e inspiran aliados en las comunidades religiosas predominantemente blancas. A través de un lente sumamente íntimo, la película muestra la fuerza, el amor y el sacrificio inquebrantables de estas madres, que arriesgan todo para mantener unidas a sus familias en el país que llaman hogar.

Florencia Krochik & Theo Rigby
United States
75 minutes
Spanish & English